Starting at the beginning of 2006 I will be officially promoted to the title of Warehouse Manager at my office, which includes a nearly 38% increase in my salary. I've been waiting for this for a long time. Now, my strategies must lean toward smart budgeting. For what good is an increase in salary if it's accompanied by an increase in dumb spending?
To those who are not making what they believe they deserve, I would like to say, if you're doing your job to the best of your how-to and know-how, you are a valuable asset to your company, and you do have leverage!! Use your leverage.

Kudos To My JAO!!!
Unless you are a teacher.
Even teachers have leverage. There's is just a bit more challenging to utilize...
My idea for teachers is for them to work together and stage a walk-out! For one, it's important for the kids to realize the importance of the democratic process, they'll love having the day off, and they will respect the teachers for having the balls to stand up to the Man!
Also, I think it would definitely get some politicians to start taking the matter of teacher salaries a little bit more fucking seriously.
Good luck.
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