
20 December 2005

She does America again!

Jake has yet to give me his opinion of last week's episode of DDA. Which leads me to suspect that he has not yet watched it.

If in fact he hasn't, he'll probably give me three or four different excuses as to why he has neglected this simple task.

If he did watch it, he has not yet described how hard he laughed. See, there are many levels of laughing, some including but not limited to:

  • High-pitched outburst, which is sincere and uncontrollable, and can potentially wake those who are in peaceful sleep.
  • The clapper, which is a joyous laughing while clapping your hands. This one does not occur frequently with the "macho" men who forcefully repress the urge.
  • Rolled and floored, where you can't help but roll your body like an alligator, and the gravitational force toward the floor seems to dramatically intensify.
  • The poser, which is where a laugh is forced for appearance, even though something is not found to be funny by the person laughing. This laugh is usually identifiable.

I tell you, while watching DDA, I usually employ the first three types of laughing several times each. Which type(s) come upon you?

Don't forget to set your receivers, DVR's, TiVo's, and thingie-things to TBS tonight at 10/9c for Daisy Does America.

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