
01 December 2005

Wish You Were Here

Silly Boys with Silly Dreams never meet Hottt Guys with Hottt Asses!!!

Currently Listening To:
I Love New York Mix
Let Go = Frou Frou
Crystalline Green = GoldFrapp
Number 1 = GoldFrapp
Beautiful = GoldFrapp
Goodnight & Go = Imogen Heap
Hung Up = Madonna
Future Lovers = Madonna
I Love New York = madonna
Bodyrock = Moby
Body Movin' = Beastie Boys
Success = Duran Duran

...with a careless memory

1 comment:

Smith said...

Square One = Coldplay
What If = Coldplay
White Shadows = Coldplay
Fix You = Coldplay
Talk = Coldplay
X&Y = Coldplay
Speed of Sound = Coldplay
A Message = Colplay
Low = Colplay
The Hardest Part = Coldplay
Swallowed In The Sea = Coldplay
Twisted Logic = Coldplay
'Til Kingdom Come = Coldplay
Camel Toe = Fanny Pack

...That's just today.