In July of 2000 Jake and I, along with our good friend Alicia, journeyed to the far away continent of Australia in the Southern Hemisphere. When we first boarded our plane in Houston bound for our layover in Los Angeles, we couldn't believe that the adventure we had long strived to embark upon had finally come. I'm sure at one point during that first leg we must have held hands and sang songs (because we were cheezy like that!).

There were atleast five flicks during the 18-hour-or-so flight, and by hour twelve I was about ready to jump out of the plane. But we made it with no unscheduled exits. In the airport, Jake and Alicia were like Japanese tourists in Times Square; I was a bitch who didn't want to look like a tourist (every party has a pooper).
Walking out to our rented Toyota Avalon, I insisted that I knew exactly where we were going, and that I ride shotgun to get us to our hotel by way of the quickest and most convenient route. Several hours later, after an unschedule tour around Sydney, including a couple of trips across the Sydney Harbour bridge, Alicia and Jake found our hotel. It was totally not where it was supposed to be, but whatever.
Our next few days were mainly spent at the Hillsong Conference, which is the annual music and leadership conference at Hillsong Church Australia. We each attended different seminars at the conference, hoping to add more knowledge to our ministry portfolio. But a large part of our reason for being there was our adoration (and borderline obsession) for certain persons at the church.

(Message to Jake: please edit and add to the story. So, to be continued...)
It's true...I had the Sydney/Hillsong/Darlene Zschech/stalker THANG going...HARD!!! The evidence for that was insurmountable. I had purchased CD's, DVDs, Books, Tapes, acquired pictures, listened to them night and day and this was all before we even made it to Sydney...this was the previous three years preceeding our trip.
I remember purchasing the tickets for the trip over the phone...speaking to a representative of Quantas...and their brilliant Australian accents...and setting up hotel reservations from half-way across the world. It was so exciting.
I couldn't sleep the entire 16 hours on the flight over and I remember we were practically sitting on each others' laps the entire time. God...that was fun!!!
The first thing I remember after stepping off of the plane and walking outside of the airport on the way to pick up our rental car was the DIFFERENT smell the air had. It was strange but pleasant.
Most of our first week was spent at the conference which was brilliant...if I only could have moved there...to live with those people in that church and become close friends with them...that was my dream!!! To be one of the singers up on that stage with Darlene...I didn't care about anything else really...just being next to Darlene and her beauty...was enough for me...up on that platform side by side..screw the rest of them...kidding...but not really!!!
The second week in Sydney was fun...looking back on it now, we spent WAY too much time going to the mall...and even spent wasted time watching movies in a movie cinema...go figure!!! I wish we could have done some more travelling around the area...Manly Beach did rock though...WHERE WERE YOU JAO???...oh yes I remember...you were in the hotel listening to Ace Of Base Greatest Hits!!! You're crazzzy man.
All in all...it was a wonderful trip...I would love the opportunity to go back...not SO much for the church campout but more for seeing the hottt gay boys and the hottt sites!!! Who know's maybe I could make it to the land down-under once again in 2006.
Funny thing happened this morning...I rolled out of bed and flipped on the television to check on the weather and began up comes Hillsong Praise Team lead by Mrs. Darlene Zschech...there they were promoting their latest live album and the gospel right there in my bedroom...man...I can't tell ya just how much that woman and her entourage mean to me...it's something really deep and spiritual...I know I know...it's weird coming from me...but I can't explain it. I love them...they keep on keeping on!!! (JAO WILL LIKE THAT ONE)
Cheers to Darlene, Hillsong, Pastor Brian, Jao and to this life still in the making.
Sydney Memories:
raw Kangaroo steak
17 rolls of undeveloped film
17 pieces of luggage
driving on the left side of the car on the left side of the road
Gloria Genes Coffee
Starbucks...FIRST EVER IN AUSTRALIA...we were one of the firsts to visit
Darling Harbour
Manly Beach
Driving and Driving and Driving and Driving and Driving and Driving
Fighting and Fighting and Fighting and Fighting and Fighting
...with a careless memory
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