We will definitely put it our agenda to visit the site. However, as you will find, especially since it lies on Fifth Avenue, that we will pass Trump Tower on many occasions without having planned it.
That is one of the wonderful features of "the Island of the Manhattes"; that while standing in awe of one thing, one can look up and, behold, another wonderful recongnizable thing. I will forewarn you though, familiarize yourself with some things beforehand...
During my first trip to the great city, my hostess had taken me to Times Square, as I had requested. While there, I looked up and saw something familiar. "Oh look, there's the Empire State building."

"Oh yes," I retorted, "that's the Empire State building, I'm sure of it. See, look at the top of the building. That's what the top of the Empire State looks like." I had loved New York City for such a long time that I believed strongly that I was very familiar with the city. So familiar that I felt confident enough to disagree with someone who had lived in the city most of her life.
"No, Jason, that is not the Empire State building. That is the Chrysler Building. The Empire State building is ten blocks that way," she said matter-of-factly, pointing southward.
I had been put in my place. I decided not to believe myself an expert any longer.
1 comment:
Get it right!!! Damn't!!!
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